Monday, November 20, 2006

FW: Workaround

OK: Retro time. Back to the two-body approach. For you non-wireless folks oot thar, that means using my PDA for my mobile computing device, and my old GPRS phone pretty much as a dumb modem for the PDA. Connect the two via bluetooth and it's pretty straightforward after that. My PPC has WiFi but that's still not ubiquitous.

However I can't post pics using email like this, so an alternative solution is required. Am now in search of a Blogger client for PPC2003. Should be easy to find.

Thanks for all your congratulatory notes on reaching 190. Still can't discern my abs but 1 out of 2 ain't bad.

Despite a debauched night to celebrate Don's birthday on Saturday night (SaltLik on Alberni; great steak; cartoonish wait staff; average martinis) followed by a staggering breakfast by Shell on Sunday, AND a self indulgent junk food pigout on Sunday (bag of Smartfood and a chocolate bar) l'm holding at 191.5.

Seven days to go.

(via email from my PocketPC Via my Sony T616)


Sunday, November 19, 2006


managed to break an oarlock rowing today. This means that with only one oar for balance, the boat becomes quite unstable. Thus I ended up dunked in the chilly waters of Coal Harbour. Coach Boat was along in
no time so I could pull myself out, but my phone was in my pocket, and is now Very Dead.

So no wireless posts with pics for sometime to come.

(via email from my PockePC)


Friday, November 17, 2006


Fucking PIcoblogger. I've had enough. OK, I'm breaking with tradition and posting manually.

190. Made it

Last night I was 191 and this morning made it to 190. bailed on me last night so I will post a proof pic once I can get it running.

I week early. 21 lbs since July 31.

(From my mobile)


Thursday, November 16, 2006

New idea for losing weight

Drink the water in Vancouver. Instant emetic/diuretic.



Tuesday, November 14, 2006

193.5Not much lost during all the renovations but still headed in the right direction. Haven't been this light in a long time.Moblog via Picoblogger


4th and last Day of Renos

Mad rush to try and get the 2nd layer of subfloor down. 3/8" plywood over the particle board sub-sub-floor. Easier since it's not tongue in groove, and the sheets were larger. Mum and I had to do some careful planning and scheming to use the largest bits of wood as possible. Still ended up making hundreds of cuts to get it to fit without wasting any wood. It's amazing how proud you can be of cutting a single 4'x8' piece of wood that wraps around a toilet, around a door frame and up an angled wall. Sad testament to one's self worth. Had to get up close and personal with the commode to squeak it into place. Seems like I spend a lot of my winters on my knees in this bathroom. This time, however, less retching involved.

Managed to shave off 1/2" from the bathroom and sauna door to ensure they'd clear both the floor and the carpet/tiling to come. Got finished in enough time to discover that there wasn't enough carpet or underlay to cover the area. M&D's friend Pierre will get them the flooring they need. He came by for a look-see tonight. Home tomorrow.


End of Day 3: A Pile of Sawdust and cuttings to remove

Oy. Before and After.

3rd Day of Renos

Today was all about the subfloor. The first layer was 2'x2' particle board pre-glued with a plastic-rubber-compound moulded tile that creates airflow for warmth and a smooth surface. That's what went in today. Tongue-in-groove format meant cutting incredibly complex angles to fit around angled walls, toilets, door frames and casing. Hard on my small brain, but fun to figure it out. Got it done but not without an extra trip to Calgary to pick up more tiles and lots of sawing, sawing, sawing.

Moblog via Picoblogger

2nd Day of Renos

Ceiling Tile completed today. Did all the fiddly bits that we weren't able to finish with Colin and Johnny. Yesterday was 96 (almost all whole pieces) while today was 35 little bits of pressed-wood tile. Multiple angles and crooked beams now look smooth and clean. Mum plastered, painted and stained the walls. Managed to work around each other and each other's schedules. Managed not to get too much paint or stain on me either.

Moblog via Picoblogger

1st Day of Renos

Floor area cleaned out by Mum, Dad, Colin and Hoto. Johnny and Colin help with putting ceiling tiles up. Used Colin's compressor nail gun and stapled the lath to the ceiling across a cats cradle of joists, frame members, plumbing and crooked walls. Here, John's hard at work inspecting colin's efforts. Worth every penny we paid him. OK, he did carry all the wood and materials downstairs.

Couldn't have done it without them both.

Moblog via Picoblogger

Alberta Gets All The Good Sunrises

Sunrise on the Marquis de Sade trail south of Calgary. (Well, it's something like that anyway.)

On the way to return Colin's saw. Blessed thing rattled all the way to High River in the back of the rental car. Drove me very slightly mad. But worth it.

Nice visit with Simpsons at their enormous house.

Good tea, too.Moblog via Picoblogger

Friday, November 10, 2006

Phew!Oy! Made it back down. We'll see how 4 days of hard labour in Bragg Creek affect the waist line. Renos to Mum and Dad's place over a long weekend. Stay tuned for results. Moblog via Picoblogger


Monday, November 06, 2006

sunrise over Garden Bay, Sunshine Coast, BC

Fantastic storm the previous night followed by a moon set and this sunrise in the morning.Moblog via Picoblogger