Monday, January 26, 2009

You can't escape

I am the ultimate stalker. I have the technology.

(OK, well she did agree to be stalked)...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Right direction

No more emails from the Blackcurry(TM) so while I wait, I'll try to lighten up.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

She's safe

Got a message from a mysterious Indian mobile email device.

So unless some mysterious Tamil has taken a shine to me and is updating me on his safe travels from his Banyanberry(TM), Wifey has arrived safe and sound in Coimbatore.

No internet so perhaps the blog will not be updated? Watch this space...
(sent from my mobile phone)


She's almost there



Shell had a short sleep in Singapore and a hot but enjoyable day touring around. She did enjoy it there in Singapore, although I think she was in a bit of a fog.

In the air now, headed to Coimbatore to land by about 10am Pacific.

(sent from my mobile phone)


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

She's off

Right now she's: Sleeping off a 27 hour journey in Singapore.

Next stop: Coimbatore.

Me? I hope to lose 10lbs while she's gone, next to the 5 I plan to lose from worry. We'll see.

You can catch her shortly at Shell's Travels which I'm sure will be much more interesting than this blog.

(sent from my mobile phone)


Thursday, January 01, 2009

Girls night out. NY 2008/9
